#rhizo hashtaggery

Date updated: January 22, 2020 [Up]
Material is free to copy, use, and modify.

We are considering #rhizo as our revival grounds. Everybody gathers here and it's dinner on the ground and preachin', prayin', and shoutin' Hallelujah!

So I click on this and search for others who have gone here along this blaze. A blaze is a way to mark a trail. Often it was a personal tag that identified the blazer. We can think of this tag as a shared blaze that shows a network map of our lives as we explore our own maps and report back.

So it begins, commences anew, restarts, rekindles.

Ares suggests an article to read, but not what should be done with it. What would you like to do with it, Ares? Or somethings you would like to do?

Here is the link to the article: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/P3I9HGEHXIQQ9XR4H2VT/full?target=10.1080/03075079.2019.1691162

Here is the article. Words I don't get yet:

trouibling troubling transition celebrating

Stuff to grab:

Karen Gravett (who she?) Citation Abstract

OIf course, this is all you get unless you are part of the privileged class of those with access. And that access is not universal as some universities are richer in subscriptions than others.

Let us return to the #rhizo hashtag, shall we?